
Growing in your Greenhouse: Citrus

Charley's Team on January 19, 2022

Growing in your Greenhouse: Citrus

Not sure if anyone noticed or not, but we are in the midst of citrus season. With winter comes the need to keep your immune system up and running to ensure we don’t succumb to any of the seasonable si … read more
Plants and Music (Greenhouse Rock)

Charley's Team on January 12, 2022

Plants and Music (Greenhouse Rock)

Have you ever heard the adage concerned with plants and music? You know, the idea that playing music for a plant can help it grow. For me, this idea brings about the memory of tri-fold poster board … read more
January in your Greenhouse

Charley's Team on January 05, 2022

January in your Greenhouse

The New Year has come once again and brought with it the traditional cold weather January is known for. While this weather is great for certain activities; skiing, snowshoeing, staying indoors and cat … read more
History of Greenhouses

Charley's Team on December 29, 2021

History of Greenhouses

It’s official! Winter has finally come. Though we’re set to get longer days from here on out, the cold weather is here to stay a while. While we may have to wait a few months to take part in our favor … read more
Holiday Houseplants

Charley's Team on December 21, 2021

Holiday Houseplants

The days are shorter, the temperature has dropped and the usual suspects seem to be making their way into every store front once again. Different shades of green, red and white have invaded every coff … read more
How A Green Thumb Can Combat the Blues

Charley's Team on December 16, 2021

How A Green Thumb Can Combat the Blues

These days everyone is looking for the next best thing to help keep them in shape both mentally and physically. It seems like every week there’s a new technique or fad piece of workout equipment th … read more
Victory Gardens: Covid-19 Edition

Charley's Team on December 14, 2021

Victory Gardens: Covid-19 Edition

It was mid-March, 2020 when the United States was declared to be in a national state of emergency. What in many states began as a two week stay at home order has, over a year and a half later, left … read more